Imagine being able to fill your garden or yard with all the gardening plants and flowers you could ever want, just like the flowering bed above, and all for little cost or better still, for absolutely no cost at all.
And then imagine the same for all your patio pots and tubs, hanging baskets, troughs, window boxes and rock gardens. Full of all the most beautiful plants you could ever want and all for little cost, or for absolutely nothing.
Now imagine that all these gardening plants have been grown by your own fair hands, from seed or from cuttings.
Ok, you enjoy your gardening but just think how much more enjoyment you will have when the flowers taking pride of place in your garden have been raised by you from a seed or a cutting.
Raising your own gardening plants from seeds, cuttings or division is known as propagation.
Propagating gardening plants is an easy way to fill your garden with your very own favorite beautiful plants at little cost, or for absolutely no cost at all.
So, have you ever thought of propagating your own plants, but thought it was too difficult and didn't know where or how to start?
Propagating your own gardening plants, when you know how, is a lot easier than you might think. Just read on.............
Don’t believe doing this with your own gardening plants is possible, and for free?
Then consider this. From just one mature fuchsia you can take as many as thirty to fifty cuttings, root them in pots and grow them on to maturity.
And you still have the original fuchsia to enjoy.
It’s not just fuchsias, hebes, geraniums and many others can be treated in the same way.
You can collect and save flower seeds at the end of the flowering season, sow them at the right time and you will have hundreds more gardening plants. Do this year after year and you will definitely be propagating your own plants free for life!
So, now you can see how you can soon fill your garden or yard with all the beautiful plants you could ever want, all at little or no cost and all very easily and quickly too.
Propagating is a gardener's most enjoyable activity.
The satisfaction of seeing the seeds you have sown, germinate, like the tray of seedlings here, and then grow on to maturity is pure bliss.
Or the satisfaction of seeing the cuttings you have taken of your favorite gardening plants take root and grow onto maturity, just like it’s parent, is an absolute joy.
Well That’s All Very Fine But How Is Propagating Your Own Gardening Plants Good For You And The Environment?
"Whatever you need to know about propagating its all here"
It’s a well-known fact that doing something enjoyable that gives you satisfaction, pleasure and a sense of achievement makes you happy. And being happy, so they say, can make you healthier.
It’s also a well-known fact that exercise is good for you and keeps you fit.
Well propagating plants certainly makes you happy because it’s enjoyable, pleasurable and gives you immense satisfaction and a sense of achievement. Propagating gardening plants also gives you gentle exercise.
So, what about the environment?
How is propagating your own gardening plants good for the environment?
Think about the nursery that you buy from, where is your nearest preferred supplier? Five miles away, ten miles away, twenty miles away? Don’t forget it’s a round trip so double it.
Where are the plants grown? Not at the nursery, garden center or store you buy them from, that’s for sure. They are grown at specialised nurseries, which could be in another town, city, state or even in another country.
So how many miles have they travelled just to arrive at the place you buy them from?
Some environmental and carbon footprint, eh?
Now think of all the packaging used to transport them. More valuable natural resources used to produce packaging. And what about the waste left after you have planted them? Where does all that go? Landfills no doubt or incineration, that's more pollution.
By doing your own plant propagating you do away with all the transport mileage, packaging and waste.
And You Can Save Money
Without doubt propagating your own gardening plants will not only be doing you and the environment some good, but you will also be saving yourself some money as well.
In this global nose dive of an economy we now find ourselves living in every penny counts.
We all need to watch our spending. There just is not enough left out of the monthly pay anymore for those little extras.
And yup, our beloved gardening will not escape the shortage of cash.
But if you propagate your own gardening plants just think of how much you can save.
This all depends on the size and type of your garden of course. The bigger your garden, or the more laid to beds and borders instead of grass, the more plants you need to fill them and the more it costs to buy them.
Even if you buy seeds, sow, germinate and grow them on it still costs plenty of hard earned money.
Even a packet of seeds these days is not cheap.
And when you start buying plants, even tiny cuttings, you can easily spend a small fortune.
You could save many pounds, dollars, even hundreds if you need loads of plants.
So it really is worth while, financially, to propagate your own gardening plants.
And for those who may have lost their jobs or are on low incomes will find propagating your own plants extremely useful.
Well, is propagating your own gardening plants good for you and the environment and can you save money? Yes, most definitely!
Now all this propagating of plants is not really difficult and given the right information you will find it quite easy and you can soon be very successful. And most of all it’s extremely enjoyable.
Whether you want to take cuttings, sow seeds, divide, layer or graft we have all the information for you right here.
If you want to propagate gardening plants for spring, summer, autumn ( fall ) or winter, all the information is here.
You can propagate your own plants and flowers, just like these on this greenhouse bench shown here full of trays of seedlings and cuttings, none of which is really difficult.
From annuals, biennials through to perennials, even for inside the house.
What each part of a plant does and what it's for, what they need to grow successfully, how they grow and the best propagating method. It’s all here to help you suceed in propagating your own gardening plants.
And even if you are already into propagating plants that’s fine, because there is a lot of information here that will help you.
From bulb scaling to breaking seed dormancy to describing a plant cell. It’s all here!
Whatever you need to know about propagating its all here.
Our goal is to give you all the right advice and the very best information and assistance you will ever need to be successful at propagating your own gardening plants.
Just take a look at the pictures below and see what you could do in your own garden.
All you see in these beds have been propagated by us, from seed, cuttings or division.
You could do exactly the same in your own garden and yard, quite easy.
This bed includes Lupins, Delphinium, Phlox, Geraniums, Coreopsis, Pansies, Alstroemeria, Monarda, Fuchsia, Allium, Asiatic Lily, Aquilegia, Eremurus, Crocosmia, Potentilla, Campanula, Penstemon and Hemerocallis.
This bed is edged by a home built pergola and includes, on the pergola Clematis, Jasmine and a fragrant Climbing Rose. In the bed, Geranium, Monarda, Coreopsis, Aconitum, Phlox, Pansies, Erodium and Penstemon.
This bed includes Allium, Aquilegia, Delphinium, Penstemon, Coreopsis, Monarda, Lupins, Pansies, Geraniums and Astilbe.
This bed includes Hostas, Aquilegia, Geraniums, Buddleja, Erigeron, Lychnis, Astilbe and Corydalis, the center piece being a wildlife pond.
This is our "secret garden", hidden by a thirty foot spruce, honeysuckle, Clematis and Mahonia. It is entered by walking through home made gates and under a home made pergola.
Growing up the pergola is Clematis, Honeysuckle and a climbing scented rose. Once in to the "secret garden" the beds include Mahonia, Corydallis, geraniums, Griselinia, Elaeagnus, Delphinium, Ferns and five silver birch.
Visitors are naturally drawn to go through the gates and under the pergola, to see what's on the other side.
This "secret garden" is quiet, peacful and fragrant and is lush with plants. It is a haven for for all types of wildlife, many are attracted to the wildlife pond. It's a place where we spend many restful, peacfull and enjoyable hours.
Liven up your house with hanging baskets, troughs, pouches and tubs. All filled with your own home grown plants.
The hanging baskets are planted with Fuchsias, Impatiens and Lobelia.
The troughs are planted with Fuchsias, Geranium and Pansies.
The pouches are planted with Impatiens.
The tubs are planted with Fuchsias, Impatiens, Lobelia, Verbena, Geranium and Pansies.
All of these are sold to friends, neighbours and passers by straight from our front doorstep and turns a nice profit. All these plants have been propagted by us, all for free!
So not only do we liven up our house and enjoy the plants, we also have a nice and easy little earner as well. Best of both worlds.
And you can do exactly the same, propagate and grow your own gardening plants, and if you want to, sell easy to create containers full of lush flowering plants you propagated all yourself, and all for for free, to your friends, family, neighbours and passers by.